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My Pinwheel...


When I was seven years old, my mother bought 

me a colorful plastic pinwheel from the  

Mammoth Mart in Calais.  I loved my pin wheel. 


Into our old 65’ Buick I was proud to be in the  

backseat with my mom driving and me proudly 

holding my pinwheel in my hand as the wind 

blew through the window and a sound of clicking 

and the sight of swirling colors instantly vanished before me. 

 My pinwheel was gone.  Mom said my look was  

shock and horror.  


50 years later, I finally found a pinwheel on a post 

in a city in Southern Maine.  Maybe it’s a pinwheel 

or maybe a flower or mandala.  I was happy to  

see it will never blow away… 


Rev. Michael Glidden  9-23-2024 

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