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"I Saw Adam in South Portland" by Pastor Michael Glidden, DMin


I saw Adam in South Portland…

I like to walk around the village of South Portland. It’s a quaint old city dating back to 1898. The old buildings speak of that era. One old building got a new look. Michelangelo came back from the grave! I saw him before in an art book at UMM during my college years.

I told Rhonda that God’s son Adam has suddenly appeared in South Portland. Maybe he’s got a message for the city. It took two different walls to display the painting. Adam’s muscular arms are reaching up to God. Or maybe God is reaching down to him. I wondered if God would reach down and bless the coast of Maine. Adam was sitting among the weeds. This brought me back to my baptism among the weeds at Round Pond Charlotte Maine in the spring of 87 with the blood suckers nearby in the marsh. Somehow I survived and we are still surviving here in Maine.

I wonder what the Lord is going to do in this New Year. I’m anticipating God showing up and doing other amazing paintings. Take a good walk in your village, town or city. Notice the paintings that you see. How is God speaking to you in the mundane of life?

God is the artist and he’s painting a story in you.

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