Dear Kind and Gentle People,
Here at “The Mill” rejuvenation is always the theme during the summer; with a goal of sitting in my UnKuL Petah chair and gazing at the mill pond or being fully present and mindful on the Petah’s Peace Porch. In nature and all of creation, rest and nourishment can rejuvenate that which has been wounded and depleted. My friend “St. Sally” (thats what I call her)- admonished me 20 years ago that I was responsible for the care of my soul! Years later a grading scale might read as “needs improvement”. At least there is an awareness!
Last week was the strawberry moon and I was able to howl out the second floor bedroom window to release old burdens, and yesterday was the first day of summer. What a glorious day it was, complete with fresh rhubarb, and mint from the garden and a feast for the eyes with bluebirds and tiny vocal wrens. Truly a day of thanksgiving and light.
In April of 1999 I held an 80th birthday party for my father with the entire family presents, including his siblings and mates. As we posed for a photo on the veranda a BLUEBIRD appeared. The old people all WEPT because they had not seen a bluebird since DDT practically made them al most extinct in the 1950s. The old Stickney homestead had lovely bluebird houses in storage that had not been put out in almost 50 years. (I had never seen a bluebird prior to this-but had heard about them)-Somehow the bluebirds have managed to come back. A sheer miracle of “Rejuvenation”.
In this season of summer, how are you rekindling your life energy and calling? What things might you do, beyond your daily devotionals, to rejuvenate your being? How are you answering the summons to serving our Creator and recognizing what feeds and restores your soul? Where are you receiving healing and divine guidance to continue your ministry? In short, how are you being responsible for the care of your soul this summer? And, what is it that needs to be “rejuvenated” in your life. Our Creator helped the bluebirds to rejuvenate their numbers and will most certainly help you with your needs this summer.
Simply ask! Simply receive! Be rejuvenated! And May It Be!
Gobs of blessings and heaps of happiness, PETAH
Rev. Dr. Peter Stickney
Newfield Community Church